Housing Preservation Grants

Author: Housing Editors


This programs target individuals and low income rural families, but the grants recipients can only be sponsoring organizations in charge of renting and maintaining housing complexes or units for low income families. The funds needs to be used for the repair and rehabilitation of housing owned or occupied by low or very-low income individuals and families.

Who can apply:

1- Rental property owners and cooperative housing complexes who are using the funds to repair and rehabilitate housing units for low income to very low income people.

2- Qualified public agencies.

3- Non-profit organizations including but not limited to community and religious organizations.

4- Native American organizations and housing authorities.

5- Most state and local government organizations.

Application Deadline: Early July

Number of Grants Awarded: In the hundreds

Estimated Total of Grants: Close to $20 Millions.

For more detailed information. You should also call your local USDA office for more information: here’s a list of all USDA offices.