147+ Pennsylvania Home Improvement Grants & Repair Programs

Author: Housing Editors



Pennsylvania has over 147 home improvement grants, home repair grants & resources exist for homeowners. This article curates all the main grants to fix your home that are offered throughout the state in 2025.


Updated: January 1, 2025


We understand home repairs are financially challenging. In Pennsylvania, the Homeowners Repair Survey found almost 1/5 of homeowners postpone them, and 51% have to postpone repairs for financial reasons:

  • 18% delay repairs.
  • 51% postpone repairs for financial reasons.

So you’re not alone. The programs below can help you find those funds to repair your house.


Who offer home improvement grants in Pennsylvania?


There are 5 main sources of financial assistance for Pennsylvania home repair grants:

  1. 1- HUD (Housing and Urban Development).
  2. 2- PA Finance Housing Agency (PAFHA) State agency offering programs.
  3. 3- Counties and cities : Main organizations with funds (over $249M).
  4. 4- Rural residents: USDA provided $650,000 in home repair last year for rural homeowners.
  5. 5- Community Organisations: Offer help for smaller repairs

The important thing to keep it mind it that most programs can help with a broad range of home repairs. For example, there’s not only 1 roof program but many programs can help with roof repairs. That’s why we created the projects summary below.


Jump to a project:

Window (8) Furnace & HVAC (9)
Roof (7) Foundation (7)
Electrical (7) Bathroom (6)
Plumbing (7) Remodel (7)
Sewer & water (5) Asbestos & lead (5)

Jump to a group:

Seniors (9) City & suburb (9)
Disabled (9) Rural (5)
Veterans (7)  


Can I get a $10,000 grant for home improvement?

What free grants for homeowners for repairs exist?

Who is eligible for government home improvement grant?

Confused about home improvement programs terms?


Who is eligible for government home improvement grant?


In general all homeowners are eligible for home improvement and repairs grants and assistance in PA (find them all here). In reality, because the needs are so big, some groups like seniors, veterans, disabled and low-income households are given priority. Even in those case, you need to apply as soon as possible because funds are limited.


So it’s often first arrived first served basis: apply early.

Each program has their own eligibility, so you need to verify with programs in your area to see info you meet the income eligibility level.


Programs’ general eligibility by income and locations:

  Cities & Suburbs Rural
Low income HUD, WAP, Cities & Counties programs, State, Disasters, Community Organisations, USDA, WAP, Cities & Counties programs, State, Disasters, Community Organisations,

Medium/High income

Home Improvement Loans, State, Disasters, HUD USDA, Home Improvement Loans, State, Disasters.

More Home Repair & Renovation Tips for PA’s Homeowners:

Funding Urgent Repairs : Find out how to quickly pay home repairs.

Common Home Repair Cost : Get an idea of the costs for common repairs.

Home Improvement Guide : Your complete guide to planning your next project.

Funding Home Improvements : Learn about financing options to support your renovation.

More Home Improvement & Repair Resources.


Can I get a $10,000 grant for home improvement?


Can you get a $10,000 grant for home improvement? Quick answer is yes. Find on this page all the information you need for home improvement programs by the State of Pennsylvania, by cities and by counties. Learn: how much they provide, if you’re eligible and where to apply.


What free grants for homeowners for repairs exist?


In general in Pennsylvania, free grants for home repair help homeowners with:

  • – Make sure your home does not harm the residents’ health.
  • – Make sure your home structure is sound and may not hurt its resident.
  • – Help renovate or repair some major part(s) of your home.
  • – Help seniors and disabled residents stay in their homes longer and safer.

So yes, government grants for home repairs do exist and you can find them on this page.


Windows replacement (8 programs)


Windows are expensive; broken windows, no longer opening, warped frame, drafty and leaking air are a few among many common signs homeowners’ windows need repair or replaced. See also the Windows Replacement Guide for common window problems and replacements.

You can also refer yourself to our Pennsylvania window replacement programs article.


Window programs for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, WAP, Community Organisations, Disasters


Window programs for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, WAP, Community Organisations, Disasters


Window programs for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Window programs for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Roof Replacement (7 programs)


Storm debris and damages, roof at the end of their lifespan, hail and wind are always signs of big expenses when it comes to a PA home roof. But not everyone have a big amount of money ready at any time to fix or replace its roof. Need advice for your roof? We have the Guide to repair or change your roof.


Roof help for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Roof help for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Roof help for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Roof help for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Foundation repair assistance (7 programs)


Cracks, uneven settling/heaving, soil conditions and drainage system issues are the most common problems requiring foundation repair.


Foundation help for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Foundation help for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Foundation help for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Foundation help for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Electrical & plumbing assistance (7 programs)


Electrical: Faulty wiring, circuit breaker problems, and electrical panel issues are major concerns.

Plumbing: Leaky pipes, water heater malfunctions, and clogged drains are common plumbing problems.


Electrical and plumbing help for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Electrical and plumbing help for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Electrical and plumbing help for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Electrical and plumbing help for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Heating & cooling, HVAC assistance (9 programs)


Furnace, boiler and HVAC malfunctions, thermostat problems, and duct work leaks cause heating issues while AC compressor failures, refrigerant leaks, and airflow restrictions are major cooling problems.


Furnace and hvac programs for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Furnace and hvac programs for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Furnace and hvac programs for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Furnace and hvac programs for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Asbestos, lead paints & pipes removal (5 programs)


Lead paint and asbestos in are still one of the main health hazard in older homes. Removing them is costly and most local governments have a program to help homeowners removing this hazard.


Asbestos and lead programs for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Asbestos and lead programs for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Asbestos and lead programs for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Asbestos and lead programs for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Sewer & water line repair or replacement (5 programs)


Fortunately frequent but replacing water line or sewers pipes is very costly. The programs below can help fund this repair or replacement depending of your income and where you live.


Water and sewer programs for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Water and sewer programs lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Cities & Counties programs, Community Organisations, Disasters


Water and sewer programs medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Water and sewer programs medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Home remodeling incentives (7 programs)


In some cases a home can be remodeled if they need major repairs as long as the cost is not prohibitive. Since the total amount vary by program you have to verify on this page for programs in your area.


Lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, Cities & Counties programs, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Bathroom remodel assistance (6 programs)


The programs’ goal is to bring bathroom to sanitary and health standards. Improving the bathroom finishing can be done with your own funds or a loan.


Lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, Cities & Counties programs, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Medium and higher income in a rural area:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Home modifications for disabled (9 programs)


Having a disability create issues in a home. Most funding resources let you upgrade and make modifications to your home in order to be able to live in it much longer. Ramps, bathroom and kitchen modifications, installation of grab bars, doorways enlargement, are all covered by accessibility programs.


Accessibility modifications for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, Cities & Counties programs, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Accessibility modifications for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Accessibility modifications for medium and higher income in a rural area:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Accessibility modifications for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Home modifications for Seniors (9 programs)


Most programs help you upgrade and make modifications to your home in order to be able to live in it much longer as a senior. Ramps, bathroom and kitchen modifications, installation of grab bars, are all covered by home adaptation programs for seniors.


You can find resources below and the curated resource for senior home modifications.


Senior home modifications for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, Cities & Counties programs, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Senior home modifications for lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Senior home modifications for medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Senior home modifications for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Cities and suburbs homeowners (9 programs)


Living in a city is often more expensive and there are home improvement programs available to city and suburbs homeowners.


Home repair programs for lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, Cities & Counties programs, State, Community Organisations


Home improvement for medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Home Improvement Loans


Rural Homeowners (4 programs)


Homeowners in rural areas have to rely on less external resources but there are still resources available to them for home repair and improvements.


Rural homeowner with a lower income:

USDA, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Rural homeowner with a medium and higher income:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Veterans Home Repair and Rehabilitation (7 programs)


The VA provides grants and VA renovation loans to adapt their housing to their needs when they have a disability. And naturally, veterans are also eligible to all existing home improvement programs:


Veteran with a lower income living in a city or suburb:

HUD, Cities & Counties programs, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Veteran with a lower income living in a rural area:

USDA, State, Community Organisations, Disasters


Veteran with a medium and higher income in a rural area:

USDA, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Veteran with a medium and higher income in a city or suburb:

HUD, State, Disasters, Home Improvement Loans


Seniors and Elders Help for Home Repairs


There are official free home repairs for senior citizens in Pennsylvania but they are not only for seniors. Seniors, just like all Pennsylvania, are eligible to the same home improvement programs listed on this page.


Question: Are home repair for senior citizens free?


Answer: Yes, usually, but it’s often different for each program. Some programs are 100% free while some other require a contribution and in other case. In most case they are free if the senior have a low income. You find your programs and your eligibility with the programs on this page.


Contact your local Area Agency on Aging to learn about home repair programs for seniors in your area as well as programs for seniors home modifications.


You can also find specific home modification programs for seniors.


WAP (2 programs)


Weatherization Assistant Program (WAP) is funded by the Federal but managed locally. It help improve or change windows for energy efficient ones at no cost. It also pay for attic insulation and ventilation, repair or replace broken heating, cooling and water heaters, as well as many other small work to improve your home energy efficiency.


WAP spent per home (average)

  Spent per Home Homes Weatherized Budget


13,032 $139M

Source: State of Pennsylvania


Find the program detail and contact your local organisation managing WAP.


What home improvement help is in Pennsylvania?


HUD (Urban Housing Department) (2 programs)


HUD is the federal agency funding the PA’s Housing agencies, Counties and Cities. HUD have many programs from home buyer help, renter help, homeowners funding among many for home repairs and improvements.


2 loans programs helps people renovate, rehabilitate or improve their home (mobile homes included). Both are loan insurances for Pennsylvania’s homeowners who couldn’t otherwise get a loan:


Rehabilitation and repair loan (insurance): Known as “Title I Property Improvement Loan Program”, it helps you if you have not enough equity for a traditional loan, and the FHA (part of HUD) insure your loan for your lender.

  • – House Loan amount limit: $25,000
  • – Mobile home Loan amount limit: $25,090

203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance: This a special FHA loan that allows you to finance both the purchase or refinancing of a house and the cost of renovations into a single mortgage.

  • – Limited 203k loan: Projects less than $35,000.
  • – Standard 203k loan: Projects over $35,000.

In both Tittle 1 and 203(k), the money for the renovations is put in an escrow account and is only released to the contractor when the work is completed and inspected by a qualified professional. This helps ensure that the renovations are done properly and that the money is used for its intended purpose. It protects both the lender and you the homeowner.


State of Pennsylvania (7 programs)


Pennsylvania Accessible Housing (PAHP)(1 program)


New construction and rehabilitation of housing units for affordable rental or homeownership opportunities; rehabilitation of owner-occupied dwelling units.


Applicants seeking Existing Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation and Homebuyer activities funding will be limited to a maximum of $500,000 as a town, borough or township. Cities and county applicants are limited to $750,000. 

More information


PA Finance Housing Agency (6 programs)


The Pennsylvania Finance Housing Agency provides funds and programs directly to homeowners in the State but also to local housing agencies. It runs 6 main homeowners programs to help with home repairs and improvements.


ACCESS Home Modification Program


This program provides mortgage loans to assist persons with disabilities or who have a family member(s) living in the household with disabilities who are purchasing a home that needs accessibility modifications. This program provides a deferred payment loan, with no interest, and no monthly payment. The loan becomes due and payable upon sale, transfer, or non-owner occupancy of the property.


Eligible modification: may include, but are not limited to bathroom modifications, installation of grab bars and handrails, kitchen modifications, lifting devices, main level bathroom or bedroom addition, ramp addition or repair, sidewalk addition or repair, widening doorways or hallways. Amount: Not less than $1,000 and no more than $10,000. Funds will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

More information


HomeStyle® Renovation


Program allows eligible home buyers purchasing a home or existing homeowners seeking a refinance mortgage to repair, remodel, renovate or complete energy improvements. Qualified borrowers can fund up to 75% of the “as completed” appraised value of the property. This allows buyers to make needed repairs right away, without having to take out another loan at a higher rate and with a shorter repayment period. This program can be used in conjunction with the HFA Preferred™ program. For Manufactured homes, repairs are limited to the lesser of 50% of the “as completed” appraised value, or $50,000.


Common repairs include: Roof repair/replacement, Installation or improvement of heating and/or air conditioning systems, upgrades to kitchen and/or bath areas, Repairs/improvements to plumbing and/or electric systems, addition of living space.


More information


Purchase Improvement Loan


The program allows buyers who qualify for a Keystone Home Loan to purchase and improve/repair a home within one transaction. Eligible buyers may include between $1,000 and $15,000 for repairs and/or improvements with a conventional PHFA first mortgage, as long as the As Completed appraised value supports the cost of the repairs. Common repairs include: Renovation of plumbing or electric systems, Installation of improved heating or air conditioning systems, Addition of living space, Renovation of a kitchen or bath area, Replacement of a roof, Energy conservation and solar energy improvements.

More information


Homeowners Energy Efficiency Loan Program (HEELP)


This program offers loans between $1,000 and $10,000 for specific energy efficiency repairs at a fixed-rate of one percent (1%); (APR 1%) for ten years with no prepayment penalties. (For a representative $10,000 loan with $0 financing charge. Subject to credit approval and restrictions.)


HEELP loans are more affordable than you may think: $44 per month for a $5,000 loan or $88 per month for a $10,000 loan. With such affordable payments, now you can make those much needed energy efficiency repairs. Specific uses are: Air sealing, insulation and ductwork, Energy efficient windows and doors, Energy efficient heating or cooling system repairs or replacements, Roof replacements.




This state program offers an interest rate of 1.75%, up to 2.8% APR as of 1/1/2019. Terms up to 20 years (up to 15 years for manufactured homes). Maximum loan amount is $25,000. Loan origination charges apply. Loans will be secured by a mortgage on the borrower’s home. Lien Position: the PENNVEST loan must be in first or second lien position unless the loan amount is less than $7,500 OR the existing first and second liens were originated at purchase for the purpose of buying the home. Third lien position is permitted in these circumstances. (*For a representative $25,000 loan and financing charge of $5,727. Subject to credit approval and restrictions.)


See lenders list for all programs above.


Whole-home repair program


This program provides funding to local organizations to address habitability and safety concerns, provide measures to improve energy or water efficiency and make units accessible for individuals with disabilities. A single grant to a homeowner may not exceed $50,000 per home. Since this funding is available at the county level you need to see if your county requested funds and how they let you use this funding.


Find if a local organization near you offer this funding.


Community Organisations


Habitat for Humanity (38 programs)


Thanks to their volunteers, Habitat rehabilitates houses for families and people in need. They may be able to help with home repairs and updates to make your home safer. This organization relies on you, or some neighbors if you’re elderly, to put some of the work into your home repairs. You can apply through Habitat to learn about help available in your area.


Habitat for Humanity ReStores (18 resources)


ReStores provide discounted used, surplus building materials, appliances and furniture.


Community Action Agencies (42 programs)


Those agencies are non-profit organizations found throughout the state and their goal is to help local resident with many free programs. Most offer homeowners in need weatherization services, home modifications for seniors and disabled, home renovations and emergency home repairs.


Find your local Agency


PA’s Disaster & Emergency Management


If you have been in a natural disaster, you may qualify for Pennsylvania’s Disaster Recovery Funding if you were not eligible to FEMA’s funding. These free grants for homeowners for repairs are available after a natural disaster to help, among other things, repair damaged homes during a disaster.


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


You can find FEMA’s PA’s site and available programs after a disaster. These programs are available long after a disaster and you may claim housing, financial, food, medical, etc.


Pennsylvania Rural Residents (1 program)


The USDA provide home improvement loans and government grants to low-income homeowners in Pennsylvania rural areas


PA homeowner amounts:

Grant (average): $8,420

Loan (average): $8,550


Who may apply for this program?


To qualify, you must:

  • – Be the homeowner and occupy the house
  • – Be unable to obtain affordable credit elsewhere
  • – Have a family income below 50 percent of the area median income
  • – For grants, be age 62 or older and not be able to repay a repair loan

What is an eligible area?


Applicants may check the address of their home to determine eligibility.


How may funds be used?

  • Loans may be used to repair, improve or modernize housing or remove health and safety hazards
  • Grants must be used to remove health and safety hazards

How much money can I get?


  • – Maximum loan is $40,000
  • – Maximum grant is $10,000
  • – Loans and grants can be combined for up to $50,000 in payment assistance

What are the terms of the loan or grant?

  • – Loans can be repaid over 20 years
  • – Loan interest rate is fixed at 1%
  • – Full title service is required for loans of $7,500 or more
  • – Grants have a lifetime limit of $7,500
  • – Grants must be repaid if the property is sold in less than 3 years
  • – If applicants can repay part, but not all of the costs, applicants may be offered a loan and grant combination

Is there a deadline to apply?


Applications for this program are accepted through your local USDA’s RD office all year round


How long does an application take?


Approval times depend on funds availability in your area.


Programs by County & City (35 programs)


Most PA counties have approved home repair and government grant programs and most major cities also have similar help for homeowners. Cities and counties received over $249M ($186M CDGB + $63M HOME) last fiscal year to help residents with various programs.


If you don’t see your county or city below you should contact it directly and ask them if the city have a home repair program.


Philadelphia County (7 programs)


City of Philadelphia


Emergency home repairs: provides free repairs to eligible owner-occupied homes in Philadelphia.

They work on: Electrical systems, Plumbing, Heating, Structural issues, Roofing.


Adaptive Modifications Program: help low-income individuals with permanent physical disabilities live more independently in their homes. It provides free adaptations to a house or an apartment, allowing easier access to and mobility within the home.


One or more of the following improvements: Accessible kitchens and bathrooms (such as lowered sinks, cabinets and countertops), Stairway elevators, Exterior wheelchair lifts and ramps, Railings, Barrier-free showers, First-floor full and half-baths, Widened doorways. Note: Home repairs are not included.




  • – Have a permanent physical disability
  • – Are the owner-occupant or have the owner’s permission to make modifications
  • – Live in a property that is structurally sound
  • – Are current with property taxes, or whose landlord is current with property taxes
  • – Meet income guidelines.

Low-interest home improvement loan: Restore, Repair, Renew, you must meet these income guidelines.


Emergency home heater repairs: makes emergency repairs to heaters.


Senior Housing Assistance Repair Program: provides minor repairs and modifications to make homes safer and more secure for income-eligible Philadelphia homeowners.


Basic Home Repairs: Installing or repairing interior or exterior doors and locks Installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms Repairing or replacing wooden basement steps Repairing leaky faucets and toilets Replacing electrical fixtures


Home Modifications: Installing grab bars, tub benches and hand-held showers Installing railings Installing intercoms


Eligibility Requirements:

Residents must be age 60 or older and own their home The home must be structurally sound with all utilities functioning, including central heating SHARP services are free to those with household income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level SHARP services may be available to those above the income range on a cost-sharing basis


Allegheny County (1 program)


Allegheny Home Improvement Loan Program (AHILP): For the rehabilitation and improvement of single-family residential properties. Borrowers must use a portion of the loan to correct code violations, if any, and to undertake lead-hazard remediation activities, if applicable. (See HUD’s Lead-Safe Housing Rule.) Remaining loan funds may be used for energy-related improvements and general property improvements.

  • – Interest rate: 1%
  • – Amount: $3,000 to $23,000.
  • – Term: from 12 to 240 months.


Grants may be available and are determined on a case-by-case basis for limited code repairs, lead hazard control/reduction work, accessibility improvements and public sidewalk repairs.


City of Pittsburgh (5 programs)


ACTION-Housing: The Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP) and Homeowner Assistance Program PLUS provide up to $30,000 in financial assistance to eligible homeowners for rehabilitating and improving residential owner-occupied properties


Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP): Assist with home repairs and upgrades

Limit: $30,000

Terms: $5,000 as a grant and $25,000 as a 0% Interest 30-year deferred loan.


Home Accessibility Program for Independence (HAPI): Assist with accessibility modifications


  • – Homeowners: $10,000
  • – Landlords: $5,000


  • – Grant Homeowner Assistance Program Plus (HAP+)
  • – Assist with home repairs (50%-80% AMI)

Limit: up to $30,000



  • – Grant: $5,000
  • – 0% interest 30-year deferred loan: Up to $12,500
  • – 0% interest 20-year amortizing loan: $12,500

Sustainable Home Improvement Partnership (SHIP): repairs and weatherizes the homes of veterans, seniors, and disabled residents with local nonprofits and citizen volunteers


Keystone Renovation & Repair Program: minimum loan amount is $2,500 and the maximum loan amount is $35,000.


Montgomery County (1 program)


HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM: assist low- and moderate-income households seeking to make home repairs to bring their properties up to code or correct deficiencies. The program is administered on a first come first serve basis.



Up to $45,000 for (based on need):

  • – Heater system, furnace, and hot water replacement.
  • – Repair of structural deficiencies that could lead to the collapse of roofs, floors, ceilings, stairs and/or framing.
  • – Repair of plumbing system failures such as cracked potable water or sanitary lines.
  • – Correction of electrical deficiencies that could result in shock or fire.
  • – Correction of security deficiencies such as the replacement of exterior doors and windows.
  • – Lateral connections to water and sanitary sewer extensions imposed by a local water authority or government.

Bucks County (2 programs)


The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Bucks


Brings homes up to code standards, heater and roof replacements, and in some situations may be used for modifications to make the home accessible for persons with a permanent disability.


Maximum assistance amount is $15,000.


Funding for rehabilitation work is typically provided to qualified homeowners in the form of a zero-interest loan which is not due for repayment until the home is either sold, refinanced or the deed is transferred.

Learn more here.


Habitat of Bucks


How does it work?


Homeowners complete an application Habitat Bucks will assist you to identify and prioritize what your eligible repairs are and estimate your repair costs. Professional construction staff, volunteers, and subcontractors make repairs to your home. Homeowners participate in the project as they are able (may be to provide a lunch).


Typical repairs:


Exterior Repair and Modifications:

  • – Roofs, windows, doors Porches and railings (fall prevention)
  • – Steps, access ramps and walkways (eliminate tripping hazards)

Interior Repairs and Modification:

  • – Kitchens and bathrooms
  • – HVAC
  • – Plumbing and electrical components
  • – Floors, ceilings, walls, doors, grab bars, stair lifts and railings

Critical Repairs and Replacement: Roofing, plumbing, electrical and HVAC component and systems.


See Program Details


Delaware County (2 programs)


HOUSING REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM: helps qualified homeowners make essential improvements to their homes. Up to $15,000 in the form of a zero percent (0%) interest deferred loan is available per eligible applicant to cover the costs of essential rehabilitation work.


ELIGIBLE WORK: Work is limited to emergency repairs such as sewage backups, furnace repairs during winter, months or major roof leaks, and major systems repair, such as heating systems, furnace and hot water heater replacement, plumbing and electrical deficiencies, roof improvements and repair/replacement of unsafe doors and windows.


Home Weatherization Program: Free service for Home Energy Audit, Energy Usage Evaluation, Attic Insulation, Diagnostic Air Flow Testing, Heater Service, Repair/Replacement, Weather Stripping & Caulking, Window & Door Repair/Replacement, Energy Conservation Education.


Lancaster County (2 programs)


Lancaster County Housing & Redevelopment Authorities manage 2 programs. 1 for homeowners and 1 for mobile house.


Home Repair Program: Assist qualified homeowners in making needed safety and security repairs to their home. The homeowner must be income qualified, and have owned their home for a minimum of two (2) years. Loan cost: No Monthly Payments, as you are not required to make any monthly payments while you own and reside in your home. The loan will be repaid when you sell your property or transfer ownership to someone else.


Manufactured Housing Repair Program: Assist qualified mobile homeowners in making needed safety and security repairs to their mobile home. Loan cost: you are not required to make any monthly payments on the loan. The loan balance decreases twenty percent (20%) each year that you stay in your home, and is fully forgiven after a period of five (5) years.


Chester County (3 programs)


Programs are managed by the Housing Partnership of Chester County.


Housing Rehabilitation Program: This county wide loan program is to help low to moderate income homeowners correct violations of the local Property Maintenance Code, Local, and State Codes. Violations include, but are not limited to, structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical problems.

Maximum loan amount is $25,000. Interest rate is zero percent (0%). Household income determine monthly payment required, if any.


Home Modification Program: Provide assistance to low-moderate-income residents of Chester County, with permanent disabilities, in making their current residences more accessible.


Senior Citizen Home Maintenance Program: Provides basic home maintenance, repairs, and access modifications for residents of Chester County, 65 years of age and older. There is a $4,500 limit on work to be performed for each residence. This cost is considered a one time, full grant. Work includes any type of home maintenance and repairs including, but not limited to, roof repair, heater installation, windows, decks, bathrooms, siding, etc.


York County (3 programs)


The county only have the 2 traditionals LIHEAP and Weatherization programs plus a new Home Improvement Program.


Berks County (1 program)


Berks county have an home improvement program. Unfortunately at the moment of write this guide their site was not working. Here is the link to the program.


Lehigh County (2 programs)


County-wide Housing Rehab Program (CWHR): Provide as much as $20,000 of rehabilitation assistance to income-eligible, owner-occupants of single family homes. The financial assistance is available for the renovation or replacement of substandard heating, electrical and plumbing systems; some structural repairs and modifications; insulation and other improvements designed to reduce operational expenses; alteration to correct code violations and other repair work necessary for upgrading existing homes to standard condition.


Home Improvement and Repair Program: Offered by Accessibility Home Modification, Keystone Renovate & Repair Purchase Improvement Purchase Improvement. Those 3 programs are offered by the PA Finance Housing Agency (1.800.822.1174).


Westmoreland County (1 program)


Housing rehabilitation: Some of the County’s funds can be use for home rehabs.


Luzerne County (1 program)


EMERGENCY HOME REHABILITATION PROGRAM: Provides assistance to eligible homeowners in situations that create unexpected and immediate danger to the health and well being of the occupants of the home. Emergency situation are, no heat or water, hazardous electrical conditions, lead based paint hazards in the home of a child under 6 with elevated blood lead levels, severe lead based paint hazards, accessibility issues, or other factors determined by the inspector that create an immediate threat to the occupants or could lead to severe deterioration of the home.


Financing: This is non-interest bearing forgivable loan.


Northampton County (1 program)


Lehigh Valley Community Land Trust: provides contractors to make improvements to the homes of low-income people and educates them on comfort and conservation techniques to enable them to save money on heating costs; it also repairs and even replaces failing heating systems.


Dauphin County (1 program)


Housing Rehab: Program was not accessible the moment of writing this guide.


Erie County (0 program)


No official program.


Cumberland County (1 program)


Home Modification Program: The program goal is make it easier and safer for those over age 60 to manage activities of daily living such as bathing, cooking, ambulating and navigating stairs.7

Possible modifications:

  • – Installation of grab bars, transfer benches, hand rails on stairs, minor plumbing repairs such as installing heat tape, and lighting fixtures (no electrical or plumbing work).
  • – Installation and removal of window unit air conditioners, storm windows and screens; and cleaning blocked rain gutters.
  • – Construction of low rise wheelchair ramps (under three steps high), minor masonry repairs to cracked or damaged steps/sidewalk, repair of step, porch, floorboard and floor support.
  • – Windowpane replacement, re-glazing windows, door latch/door knob repair or replacement, window sash cord replacement.
  • – Replace or repair small areas of damaged interior plaster or drywall; trim and paint as necessary.

Grant amount: $2,000 may be given to qualified families to modify the home or purchase assistive devices to accommodate the frail relative.


Confused about home improvement programs terms?


It can be confusing to understand the terms. Lots of different organizations have different words for the same type of help programs: home improvement grant, home repair grants, programs, free grants, relief service, repair assistance, etc. They are all synonyms of programs designed to help low and moderate income homeowners repair and fix important element of their house.